Opening hours

Brief history
of the studio
In French

Potters and Ceramists
of the village of La Chapelle-des-Pots

by Kim René Renaud

(c) March 2018, revised and increased April 2020


La Chapelle-des-Pots [22, 40, 8] is currently a village of about 1000 inhabitants out of 10.27 km2 and mainly dormitory type, located between Saintes and Cognac, in the former Poitou-Charentes region which became part of New Aquitaine in 2016. Certainly attested by the various studies, all that was necessary to make ceramics was present in this village: clay deposited by geological evolution, water present in sufficient quantity, wood necessary for firing and especially know-how for the production of pottery and ceramics on this territory. The production of ceramics has varied greatly over the centuries in quantity and quality: from tiles or a simple pot, called rustic, to earthenware and faience with elaborate decorations and many of them have been exported far beyond their production area. This production of Chaplain ceramics has been going on for at least the year 1320, with changes and temporary stops in production, with the most recently from the 1930s to 1954.

The renewal of 1954 initiated by René Renaud

From the 1930s to 1954, there were no longer any ceramists in the commune of the Chapelle des Pots [31]. The potter Émile Ledevant (1852-1945 or 1948), sometimes quoted, had had a shop in Saintes according to certain authors [1] but he worked in the village of Vénérand, adjoining to La Chapelle-des-Pots, where he had dixit E. Loubes, journalist for La Nouvelle République de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest in 1955: "... his workshop which he could not resign himself to abandon despite the weight of the years." [21] (litteral translation), before his death. He was not the last potter of La Chapelle-des-Pots, even less the last Saintongeais potter claimed by some because there are still potters in activity.
In 1954, my grandfather, René Renaud (1907-1991), painter and ceramist of the 20th century, was the first to recreate a workshop in La Chapelle-des-Pots to produce and sell his ceramics, and "M René RENAUD wants to revive, at the Chapelle-des-Pots, the tradition of Saintongeaise ceramics." (litteral translation) as reported by E. Loubes [21]. This workshop was his second ceramic workshop, his first that he still used was created in 1947 in his grandfather's former cellar in Les Portes-en-Ré, not to mention his previous Parisian workshops as a professional painter. After his arrival in 1954 at La Chapelle-des-Pots, he built a new kiln to fire his decorated faience with the experience of his two previous kilns built at Les Portes-en-Ré. Working alone, he produced his original pottery and ceramics and various works for sale in his workshops at La Chapelle and Île-de-Ré, and later at Meschers-sur-Gironde, where he set up a new boutique workshop in another family home. Growing up, his three daughters learned his craftmanship and later two of them practiced it independently in this same workshop, at the same time as him and after him in this only familial ceramics workshop. Workshop continued in my turn by me, Kim René Renaud, his grandson trained in ceramic arts from early childhood with professional ceramic painters: René Renaud and two of his daughters, my aunt and my mother.
Extrait de La Nouvelle Republique de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest du 06 septembre 1955
Extract of La Nouvelle Republique de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest 06 september 1955
In the meantime I studied science up to a thesis in Earth Sciences speciality in geomorphology . A clash with my thesis director at the end of my doctoral thesis prevented me to defend my thesis research despite his written commitment to let me defend this original thesis and the delivery of my thesis manuscript.
I could have made a scientific or academic career with the experience of a half ATER position and this doctoral thesis, but this sudden blockage broke this path. Scientific career that I could have pursued while continuing as an amateur our family ceramic workshop in my free time as so many other civil servants, salaried workers, do painting, music, singing, lectures or politics by example. Now I manage professionally Atelier René Renaud  full-time and I am continuing one of my grandfather's actions: "… continue the Saintongeaise ceramic tradition to exist at La Chapelle-des-Pots", Chapelain, Charentaise ceramics, with many artistic creation projects to discover and without hierarchical censorship like those I discovered during my thesis.

Following the installation of my grandfather's ceramic workshop at La Chapelle-des-Pots in 1954, other projects related to ceramics appeared in the village.
About 7 years later, a local businessman  set up his pottery workshop which he developed up to the stage of a small factory, with him also several points of sale on the Atlantic coast [12, 26]. Taken over in 2008, the buyer of this company definitively stopped production in 2012 [26]. In 2005, a potter of raku-yaki, a ceramic technique of Japanese origin, opened a workshop in the village. In 2008, a potter at the end of his career settled for a few months in municipal buildings created to develop the Regional Pole of the Ceramics [5]. In 2013-2014, another potter also settled a few months into another municipal building before leaving for another place to live. [18]
There were also many passing potters who exhibited and sold their products at the 17 potters markets of La Chapelle-des-Pots (1997-2014), but to my knowledge I am currently the only professional pottery ceramist in the village with in addition a shop open to the public.


Ancient times: from the first potters to the Middle Ages

At 3 km from the current center of La Chapelle-des-Pots, in the neighboring valley called the Coran valley, remains of Neanderthal human bones were discovered in 1979 [20, 33] at a place called La Roche à Pierrot, at the bottom of a cliff near the stream of this valley. Estimated to be around 36,000 years old, this human presence highlighted by the Paléosite de Saint-Césaire [9, 19] proves that the territory was already occupied by humans in the Upper Paleolithic, but no ceramic vestiges would have been found in the levels where these human bones were discovered.

The oldest traces of ceramic currently discovered in the area come from the Neolithic period. They were discovered in Diconche [32] located 8.5 km from the village center of La Chapelle-des-Pots when a road was created . These small pieces of pottery were found in ditched enclosures.
As human development caused the inhabitants to agglomerate, they will build the city of Médiolanum Santonum which will become the current city of Saintes [11, 28]. This nearby town located less than 10 km from the current La Chapelle-des-Pots will even be the first capital of the Roman province called Gaule Aquitaine. Still rich in an archaeological heritage highlighted: amphitheater, votive arch, aqueducts, thermal baths, the city also has vestiges of numerous potters' workshops from the 1st BC to the 2nd century [29, 34] demonstrating local ceramic production and know-how.
According to various excavations and studies, including that of Jean Chapelot, the village of Chapelle-des-Pots dates from the middle of the 13th century, when potters were stelled in the area [4, 7]. Even if we know that a non-negligible activity of ceramic production existed previously about 10 km from the village, in Saintes. An occupation of the village before the 13th century is currently impossible to establish because we have not updated older vestiges of occupation at Chapelle-des-Pots. However, the option that possible chaplains' vestiges could have been destroyed or reused over the centuries cannot be excluded, as well as vestiges which have not yet been found or made public.
In 1320, following the request of the potters of the village of the date, the chapter of the cathedral of Saintes authorized the construction of a chapel in the current village center to avoid them to go to religious services in the other villages or in Saintes. These indisputable very ancient writings found in the Vatican archives [3], thus confirmed the presence of potters from this time and in numbers large enough for the demand of this trade group to be studied. This chapel fell into ruin in the 18th century and the actual church will replace it just before the French Revolution.


From the Renaissance with Bernard Palissy

Bernard Palissy (around 1510 - 1590) [25, 38] currently recognized as a scientist was a contemporary of the kings Francois 1er to Henri III. From his training as a glass painter he carried out restorations of stained glass before marrying the daughter of a potter living in La Chapelle-des-Pots around 1536 [22, 31], where he later worked [27] to carry out in particular its scientific and independent research on ceramics, being a member of corporation of potters by his wife's father. He exercised several trades related to the arts of fire: glassmaker, potter, enameller, as well as others: surveyor, writer, ... but remains famous for his pieces of earthenware, some of which are exhibited at the Louvre museum [13], at Château d'Ecouen [39], or elsewhere.
The ceramic productions of La Chapelle-des-Pots are a part of the Potteries of Saintonge [10] and have been exported to various locations, including North America and England [29, 31, 49, 54].
As the years went by, the development of other production centers, wars, rules, ecomonic and health crisis, ... must have been the cause of the temporary decline of last la Chapelle-des-Pots potters who has no successors immediately after 1925 and for the temporarily last ceramicists in the 1930s, who would be rooftiles makers [31]. According to E Loubes, "... there were in the past, around thirty kilns [...]" [21] existing before this temporary stop of a local production of ceramics started again in 1954. Only one of these old archaeological kilns is saved for a time, by being registered in the French Historic Monuments list in 2011 and testifies to this important past.


Enhancement of this original heritage of the village

From the years 1966 [31], several archaeological excavations have uncovered numerous vestiges. The excavation of an 18th century potter's kiln called the Varoqueaux kiln uncovered whole stacks of decorated plates which confirmed the supposed Chaplain origin of certain ceramics. 30 scraps of 16th century ceramic forms, 185 known forms of ceramic of the 17th century and 17 known forms of ceramic of the 18th century were found. This kiln was used in the 17th and 18th centuries to produce the polychrome glazed ceramics characteristic of the Saintongeaise production of this period, ceramics which were exported to North America [53, 54].
In 1987 the municipal ceramic museum of La Chapelle-des-Pots will open in an old farm downhill the current church during one of the terms of Raymond Viollier, mayor from 1977 to 1991.
René Guillaud, Mayor from 1991 to 1995, then Jean-Claude Couprie, mayor from 1995 to 2014, continued to highlight the village's past and present influence.
In 1997, the La Chapelle-des-Pots potters market was created. Potters and ceramists from all over the France came for a weekend to exhibit their products, firing or demonstrate. The organization of this potters market will be stopped after 2014 which will be the 17th and last market.
In 2003, a pottery kiln, called catenary arch kiln, will be built on the town hall esplanade [4] then inaugurated in 2008 in the presence of the current local deputy, Ms. Quéré, and a current General Councilor, Mr. Quéré [5].
A monumental, pinkish pot with a green glaze reminiscent of the typical green of a period of ceramic production in La Chapelle-des-Pots, will be displayed on a pedestal near the village museum to remind the singularity of this village.
In 2011, the potter's kiln called Varoqueaux kiln will be listed as a French Historic Monument [2 , 14].
Another potter's kiln was discovered on the rue de la République, on the other side of the valley where the Varoqueaux kiln is located. A neighbor told me that he would have been discovered in front of his house overhanging the valley during the digging of the foundations of a house by one of his neighbors. This kiln would have been filled with other stacks of plates and destroyed during this construction. There does not appear to have been a publication on this discovery, its content or its dating.
These different municipal teams who created buildings to host exhibitions or other potters and ceramists workshop, in a more or less permanent way, had the will to create a Regional Pole of the Ceramics to enhance the singularity of the village of La Chapelle-des-Pots.


2014: from one culture to another

The municipal elections of spring 2014 profoundly changed the municipal team.
This new municipality closed the municipal museum in 2015. The collections of this small museum were listed by civic service job, packaged and then deposited outside the village, including the Maurice Coudin collection, rich with around fifty pots typical of La Chapelle-des-Pots. This Chapelain collector had donated his collection to the municipality which had dedicated one of the rooms of the museum to his name: the Maurice Coudin room.
Part of the building of this former museum has since changed type of culture. It has since become a (multi) cultural room for sport, dance, elections since 2015 [6], and no longer presents anything from the former museum.
The old general information signs indicating the particular history of the village at its entrances: "Village of potters for 8 centuries" have also been dismantled by municipal employees and never replaced or modernized, making the singular character of this village, for which so much energy had been invested in safeguarding this memory, a little more forgotten. Even the new road signs at the roundabout coming from Saintes, at the intersection of the National roads N141 / Departmental D131, amputate the name of the village become "LA CHAPELLE DES P." (see Streetview views referenced [16] and [15]).
Around 2018 an effort was made by creating new municipal signs at the entrances to the village. With very discreet colors, they no longer mention the singular history of the village over 8 centuries, trivializing it a little more with the generalities written on it.
In 2018, the Salamander footpath will be inaugurated [41, 52]. With a budget of around € 39,000 [52], this interpretation footpath composed of two walking loops for a total length of 14 km crosses the village and its hamlets between the rare salamanders, potsherd sometimes present but eventualt living snakes unlike those present on the Rustiques Figulines style dishes by Bernard Pallissy, ... . The Varoqueaux kiln will be cleared and terminals with a directed interpretation will be installed, but errors will be propagated in a video linked to this circuit because Muriel Perrin, head of the Art and History department of the City of Saintes and previously director of the Atelier of Heritage of Saintes [36, 37], will claim that: "… the activity [pottery or ceramics] is going to decline a little to slowly disappear during the twentieth century" [38] which is in total contradiction with the reality of the village and even prejudices the potters of the twentieth and twenty-first century of the village thereby denying their existence.
Since August 2020, the tour guided by GPS and in the form of a game of Tèrra Aventura [55] called Little potter is my job and edited by the New Aquitaine Regional Tourism Committee guides many hikers through the village and passes to only 45 m from my shop of ceramic pottery and paintings which can be opened on demand if needed. This circuit shows you some peculiarities of the village including the Catenary kiln and the Varoqueaux kiln and the original lavoir fountain in the center of the village, which was the only source of water for many inhabitants of the village until the installation of public water supply in the houses of the village in 1958.


At La Chapelle-des-Pots

I don't have space for a "museum stage or spot" in my shop [my openig time] where I sell my ceramic productions made in my workshop as well as my paintings on canvas or ceramics which can constitute original gifts.
For those interested, the municipal museum of Saintongeaise ceramics of La Chapelle-des-Pots being closed since 2015, to see some former ceramic productions from past centuries, from or attributed to La Chapelle-des-Pots, there are the municipal museums of Saintes [24, 30] and also in Saintes the museum of the House of Folklore (saintongeais) which has some pieces [42, 43]. The Bujoliers museum [23], in Les Bujoliers, hamlet located in the neighboring village of Saint-Césaire, the Museum of Art and History of Cognac [17], the archaeological museum of Pons [44, 45, 46], the museum of des Cordeliers of Saint Jean d'Angelys [47] also has some pieces from or attributed to La Chapelle-des-Pots. For those in the city of London, the Museum of London where Saintongeais pots from the late 13th early 14th centuries (n° L76/78[T2/1]<1> et 20576) [49, 50] and a plate from the 16th century (n° VAL88[1451 AND 1459]<6556> ) [51], found in London and coming from Saintonge are exposed there. Likewise in Canada, Quebec, Louisbourg [53, 54] and even in the graves of some Louisiana Indians.
There are also about 150 meters from my workshop the exteriors of the modern potter's catenary arch kiln. Another 150 meters those of the 18th century potter's kiln called Varoqueaux kiln, and at 80 other meters the original fountain with its source covered by a dome with an igloo shape and its washhouse, also in dimension stone.
This original village established at the confluence of valleys is crossed by the GR No. 4 long-distance hiking trail which crosses France from Royan to Grasse, and the old local pedestrian circuit the potters' circuit [48] older that of the salamander circuit.
Finally, since the village no longer has a restaurant or bar since the end of 2018, an area with picnic tables around a small artificial lake and face to the football field allows you to rest or make a stop in the same valley as my workshop.

To cite this page: Renaud, Kim. Potters and ceramist of the village of La Chapelle-des-Pots [online]. April 2020. [Accessed ..../..../202....]. Available at :

Références bibliographiques

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